Look here, your Majesty, Mrs. Separation, I am feeling cold with you, that's the revelation. Letter from the darling, wait, don't tear it off... Out of luck in dying, I'll have luck in love. Look here, your Majesty, Mrs. Alienation, ardent was your hugging but with no affection. In silky nets you're trying to catch me, now lay off... Out of luck in dying, I'll have luck in love. Look here, your Majesty, dear Mrs. Fortune, you are good to some of us, to others you're a torture. Nine-gram piece of iron for the heart's enough... Out of luck in dying, I'll have luck in love. Look here, your Majesty, dear Mrs. Conquest, I haven't finished singing as you should have noticed. Wretched things, stop lying, don't swear an oath on blood... Out of luck in dying, I'll have luck in love.