A Critique of the Mathematical Abilities of CA Systems by Michael Wester
The capabilities of 7 major general purpose CASs are reviewed on 542 short problems
Hidden verification for computational mathematics by Hanne Gottliebsen, Tom Kelsey and Ursula Martin
The power of computational logic of computer algebra systems shielding the users from its complexity
The Power Behind Maths by Samir Khan
From the long list of new capabilities in Maple 8, users have already picked some of their favourites
Review of Maple 7 by David I. Graham
Review of Maple 7
Review of Maple 6 by Nigel Backhouse
Review of Maple 6
Review of Maple V Release 5 by Nigel Backhouse
Review of Maple 6 Release 5
On Computing Limits in a Symbolic Manipulation System by Dominik Gruntz
An algorithm for computing (one-sided) limits within a symbolic manipulation system
Almost All Software Testing Is Futile! by Mike Holcombe and Florentin Ipate
A new method for generating test cases can provide a more convincing approach to the problem of detecting ALL faults
Differential Equations with Maple by Martin Ward
Solving ODEs using Maple
Multisectioning, Rational Poly-Exponential Functions and Parallel Computation. by Kevin Hare
Techniques of deriving new recursion formulae; some Maple bugs
The Maple Dictionary with Examples by John V. Matthews, III
Maple V vocabulary
Meta-heuristics for Circuit Partitioning in Parallel Test Generation by C. Gil, J. Ortega, A.F. Diaz, M.G. Montoyan
Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithms are applied to the graph partitioning problem
Birth of a Thinking Machine by Michael A. Hiltzik
CYC by Douglas Lenat - the most sophisticated artificial intelligence system
The Integrator by
Wolfram Research, Inc.
The power to do integrals as the world has never seen before
Reverse Engineering Calculator
Identification of real numbers
World of Mathematics by Eric Weisstein
Encyclopedia of mathematics
CECM - Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics
Explore & promote the interplay of conventional mathematics with modern computation & communication in the math sciences
Automatic Calculus and Polynomials
Enter your function to get your calculus derivative
or integral with each step explained, automatically and fast.
Isolating CauseEffect Chains from Computer Programs by Andreas Zeller
Prototype implementation successfully isolated
the cause-effect chain for a failure of the GNU C compiler |
TestEra: A Novel Framework for Automated Testing of Java Programs
TestEra’s analyses of several case studies
Using TestEra to Check the Intentional Naming System of Oxygen
The flaws TestEra identified in the Intentional Naming System
Another look at computability by Florentin Ipate and Mike Holcombe
An elegant general approach to the question of classifying computational models
Zero-testing, witness conjectures and differential diophantine approximatio by Joris van der Hoeven
Witness conjectures, which propose reasonable lower bounds for non zero constants
The function wizard project: Computer Algebra Handbook of Special Functions by E.S. Cheb-Terrab
The power of computational logic of computer algebra
systems shielding the users from its complexity
ANTabu - enhanced version
An ants system algorithm for the quadratic assignment problem
Korat: Automated Testing Based on Java Predicates
This paper presents Korat, a novel framework for automated testing of Java programs
Ordinary differential equations and Dynamical Systems by Gerald Teschl
An introduction to ordinary differential equations and dynamical systems
Asymptotic Expansions with Oscillating Coefficients by Bruno Salvy and John Shackell
Symbolic asymptotics of trigonometric and other oscillating functions
Hypergeometric Type Functions and Their Applications by Gennady Lyakhovetsky (in Russian)
An algorithm for Meijer G function and other results
Ein Programm zur symbolischen Diskussion reeller elementarer Funktionen by M. Cohrs, E. H. A. Gerbracht, W. Struckmann
Die Diskussion elementarer Funktionen spielt in der Schulmathematik und jeder einfuhrenden Analysisvorlesung
Large Scale Symbolic Programming with GiNaC by Alexander Frink, Christian Bauer, Richard Kreckel
Large scale projects tend to become maintainable via GiNaC's fundamental symbolic facilities in the C++ programming language
On competitive on-line algorithms for the dynamic priority-ordering problem by G. Ramalingam and Thomas Reps
There exists no algorithm for the dynamic priority-ordering
problem that has a constant competitive ratio
On The Divergence Of The Rogers-Ramanujan Continued Fraction On The Unit Circle by D. Bowman and J. Mc Laughlin
An intensive study of the convergence of the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction.
Maple on the Intel Paragon by Laurent Bernardin
A higher level model of parallel processing based on the manager-worker scheme
On Stirling numbers and Euler sums by Victor Adamchik
Yet another generalization of Stirling numbers of the first kind for non-integer values of their arguments
A Class of Series Acceleration Formulae for Catalan's Constant by David M. Bradley
Transformation formulae and expansions for the log tangent integral
Creative Telescoping and Applications by Frederic Chyzak
A method to compute definite sums and integrals
A survey of nonabsolute integration by Erik Talvila
Why we need nonabsolute integrals
Analysis of a Web User Interface for Mathematics: Experiences with Integral Queries for TILU by R. Fateman and T. James
Improvements in the computer-human interaction
A Certain Series Associated With Catalan’s Constant by Victor Adamchik
A parametric class of series generated by integration of complete elliptic integrals is evaluated in closed form
Simplifying Square Roots of Square Roots by Denesting by David J. Jeffrey and Albert D. Rich
Some of the steps that developers must take when writing computer algebra systems
PRIMES is in P by Manindra Agrawal, Neeraj Kayal and Nitin Saxena
A deterministic polynomial-time algorithm that determines whether an input number n is prime or composite
Symbolic-Numeric Algebra for Polynomials - SNAP 96
Problems involving polynomials with inexactly-known coefficients
Comparison Of Mathematical Programs For Data Analysis by Stefan Steinhaus
Facts about mathematical programming languages
Wavelets by Gilbert Strang
How did Mozart write it all down?
Wavelets For Kids by Brani Vidakovic and Peter Meuller
A Tutorial Introduction
Medical Devices: The Therac-25 by Nancy Leveson
A detailed investigation of a massive overdose accident in a computer-controlled radiation therapy Therac-25 machine
The Importance of Being Continuous by David J. Jeffrey
Architects! Remmeber, technically, it is always incorrect to quote
a formula without specifying the interval on which it applies...
Curing The Andrews Syndrome by Shalosh B. Ekhad and Doron Zeilberger
The rivalry between the classical and automated approaches to hypergeometric sums is beneficial to both
Some Divergent Trigonometric Integrals by Erik Talvila
How these divergent integrals ended up in a respectable table?
Rapidly Growing Fourier Integrals by Erik Talvila
When the integral is allowed to converge conditionally, the asserted
asymptotic behavior can fail dramatically
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Differentiating Under the Integral Sign by Erik Talvila
Necessary and sufficient conditions for differentiating under the integral sign
The Poster The Mathematical Functions of Mathematica by Oleg Marichev and Michael Trott
Five nice Mathematica posters
The Geometer’s Workbench: An Experiment in Interacting with a Large, High Res Display by F.Guimbretiere and T.Winograd
Bridging the gap between casual whiteboard interaction and the more formal use of a tool like Mathematica
Hypergeometric Function Representations by Kelly Roach
An algorithm for computing formula representations of instances of the generalized hypergeometric function
Meijer G Function Representations by Kelly Roach
An algorithm for computing formula representations of instances of the Meijer G function
Some Series Of The Zeta And Related Functions by Victor S. Adamchik and H.M. Srivastava
Yet another approach to the problem of summation of series involving the Riemann Zeta and kindred functions
Derivatives of the Hurwitz Zeta Function for Rational Arguments by Jeff Miller And Victor S. Adamchik
The functional equation for the Hurwitz Zeta function is used to obtain formulas for derivatives at negative odd s
The Evaluation Of Integrals Of Bessel Functions Via G-Function Identities
Transformations for reducing certain cases of Meijer’s G function to a G-function of lower order
Searching Techniques For Integral Tables by T. H. Einwohner and Richard J. Fateman
Data structures design and a program for storing a table of symbolic
(in)definite integrals and retrieving user-requested integrals
Improving Exact Integrals From Symbolic Algebra Systems by Richard J. Fateman and W. Kahan
Techniques for improving the form of results of symbolic mathematics systems
Software Test Managers' Roundtable - Los Altos Workshop on Software Testing
A forum for sharing insights about the management of software testing
Writing Effective Use Cases by Alistair Cockburn
A guidelines on writing effective use cases
Software Fault Prevention by Language Choice: Why C is Not My Favorite Language by Richard Fateman
How reliability might be affected by changing the language
Branch Cuts in Computer Algebra by Adam Dingle and Richard Fateman
How one can manipulate, in a useful fashion, functions cannot be defined continuously on the complex plane
Function evaluation on branch cuts by Albert D. Rich and David J. Jeffrey
The Kahan's counter clockwise continuity principle is discussed
Integration of the signum, piecewise and related functions by D.J. Jeffrey, G. Labahn, M. v. Mohrenschildt, and A.D. Rich
Algorithms for evaluating integrals of compositions of continuous functions and signum functions
Well...It isn't Quite That Simple by Robert M. Corless and David J. Jeffrey
If we expect our computer algebra systems to help us do analysis,
these qualifications and provisions are essential
How fast can we compute products? by V. Kislenkov, V. Mitrofanov, and E. Zima
Speed improvements for computation of n-ary products, for large n,
over arbitrary precision integer or rational number domains
Recursive Integration Of Piecewise-Continuous Functions by D.J. Jeffrey and Albert D. Rich
An algorithm for the integration of a class of piecewise-continuous functions
A Review of Macsyma by Richard J. Fateman
Successes and failures of the Macsyma algebraic manipulation system from
the point of view of one of the original contributors